Terms and Conditions for Payments

Purchasing Credit Card: Additionally, the credit card used for your online purchase should be presented to finalize the verification process before we release the product from one of our retail locations.

For second-party pick-ups, the same three-item verification procedure applies. The designated pick-up individual or service is required to furnish these items for verification. Furthermore, we may collect specific information from their government-issued photo identification, such as their name and the state of issuance, as part of the identity verification process, with the primary aim of preventing fraudulent activities.

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these verification protocols, which are designed to ensure the security of your purchase and streamline the pick-up experience.

Informally Resolve Disputes

In the event that either party wishes to assert a dispute (referred to as a "Dispute" herein), a good faith negotiation process shall be the initial step towards resolution. This involves providing written notice as outlined below to the other party, detailing the facts and circumstances of the Dispute, along with any pertinent documentation. The receiving party shall have 30 business days to respond. The notice must include your contact information, a description of the transaction in question, and a comprehensive account of the Dispute, including its nature, basis, and the sought relief. This notice must be personally signed.

During this informal process, should the I Want Floor® Parties request a telephonic conference to facilitate resolution, you agree to participate personally, along with your legal counsel if applicable. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, this informal dispute resolution procedure will not exceed 90 days.

Notices should be sent by first-class or registered mail as follows:

I Want Floor® at 10679 Palm Spring Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33428, Attn: Legal Department. 2. To you at the postal address on file with I Want Floor®

Both parties agree that this informal dispute resolution process is a prerequisite before initiating any formal dispute resolution proceeding. The statute of limitations and any filing fee deadlines shall be paused during the engagement in this mandatory informal dispute resolution process. In case of any dispute regarding notice sufficiency or compliance with this process, either party may opt to have the issue resolved by a court, and any formal dispute resolution proceeding shall be temporarily halted pending resolution of the issue.

You and the I Want Floor® Parties mutually consent that any legal dispute or claim (collectively referred to as a "Dispute") arising out of, relating to, or concerning this Agreement, your customer relationship with I Want Floor® Parties, any product purchase, pick up, or delivery, related communications, or participation in any program or service provided by the I Want Floor® Parties, shall be exclusively resolved through individual action. This includes any dispute or claim in contract, warranty, tort, statute, regulation, ordinance, or any other legal or equitable basis. The term "Dispute" is construed broadly within the confines of the law.

you understand and agree that you are waiving your right to participate in any class-action suit. the parties agree that any action, lawsuit, or other legal proceeding shall be conducted solely on an individual basis and not on a class, collective, representative, consolidated, or private attorney general basis. no dispute may be consolidated with claims of any other person or entity. this class action and collective relief waiver is a fundamental component of this agreement, and if deemed invalid or unenforceable regarding a specific claim or request for relief, neither party is entitled to arbitrate such claim or request for relief. if a court determines that the class action and collective relief waiver is not enforceable for a particular claim or request for relief (including public injunctive relief) and all appeals of that decision are exhausted or the decision is otherwise finalized, then the parties agree that the specific claim or request for relief may proceed in court, but shall be stayed pending resolution of the remaining claims.

The Informal Dispute Resolution provision and this Class Waiver shall remain in effect even after the termination of this Agreement and your relationship with I Want Floor®.

Governing Law, Jurisdiction, And Additional Terms

This Agreement and any disputes arising from it shall be governed by, interpreted, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without consideration of choice or conflicts of law principles. You hereby agree that any non-arbitrated disputes or claims permitted under this Agreement, related to the Site or otherwise, between you and I Want Floor®, shall be exclusively resolved in a state court situated in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, or, if the subject matter jurisdictional requirements are met, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. You also irrevocably consent to and submit yourself to the personal jurisdiction and venue of these state and federal courts for such disputes or claims. By doing so, you waive any right you may have to object to the personal jurisdiction or venue of these state and federal courts.

Effective Date: April 17, 2024